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Thank you for dropping by my website.
Feel free to look around, and if you want to get in touch, please do, as I love connecting with new people and projects.
Confession time. I’m not much of a social media enthusiast, so this is the best place to keep up-to-date with what is happening with me in the wonderful world of acting.

“It’s a joy to see two actors having so much fun on screen. The performances of Archer and Szkoda truly lift this film”.
Midlands Movies review of ‘ALL ROADS LEAD TO HOME’
Imogen Archer is an intelligent and creative actor with over 10 years’ experience in theatre & film. Born and raised in Warwickshire (UK), she studied Performing Arts at Stratford-upon-Avon for 3 years before growing and embraced her talents on the stage. Treading the boards in a county reknowned for it’s theatre whenever she could, she went on to star in productions such as ‘Pygmalion’, ‘Hitchcock Blonde’, Dial ‘M’ for Murder and many more.
When not being a wife and mother to two beautiful fur babies she does enjoy relaxing by practising yoga, walking, and being among friends and family.
Always trying to expand her knowledge and little grey cells, learning a new language is her latest goal.
Fun Facts –
- Has doubled jointed thumbs.
- Is a self-claimed Whovian (Troughton & Tennant are her favourite Doctors).
- Keto diet enthusiast.
- Can burp on command.
- Huge fan of ‘The Hoosiers’.
- Has appeared on Top Gear (as an audience member).
- Can recite any ‘Friends’ line on demand.
- Sews and makes clothes in her free time.
- Favourite book: The Princess Bride (As you wish…).